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🍁 Fall Mazes 🌻
Starting in September, enjoy a stroll through our stunning Sunflower Maze. Approximately 3 acres of weaving through this beautiful setting with props set up along the way to add to your photos. And if you are still feeling energized, we also offer a corn maze that will aMAZE you with all of it's twists and turns that will surely challenge even the best "maze runners".

Sunflower Maze

Sunflowers Close up
Keeper of the Corn Maze
In October on Friday & Saturday evenings, our slowly dying sunflowers beckons all of the ghosts and goblins to come out to play. Our once beautiful maze now makes the best haunting grounds. The HAUNTED SUNFLOWER MAZE from 9 to 11 pm is one mile of squeals and thrills around every corner for a fun-filled but a haunting experience.
The Corn Maze becomes 4 acres of spooky chills and thrill to add to an exciting experience in the dark of evening.

Let the HAUNTING begin

17647 40th Avenue
Conklin MI 49403
Seasonal phone: 616 899-2611
Recorded message 616 899-2931
Rasch Cherry & Apple Market FB
Mr. Spookley the greeter

Guarding the playground
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